Friday, July 4, 2008

Siem Reap and the temples of Angkor

I was planning on writing some tidbits on Madurai, but it is time for bed. Instead, I'll post some picture from Siem Reap.
I took a bus to Siem Reap the morning following my day in Phnom Penh and rented a bicycle that same afternoon. Notice the gas station below.

The effects of landmines seem to always be visible.

A smattering of 1000 temples covers areas of farmland and jungle in an area known as Angkor near Siem Reap. Angkor was the heart of the Khmer empire until the Thais invaded and the entire Khmer population migrated south. I hired a small covered carriage pulled by a motorcycle (the preferred means of transportation here) and set out for the ruins in Angkor Thom, the last capital of the Khmer empire. Below: the bridge entering Angkor Thom and the breathtaking entrance.

At this moment I simply can't describe how it felt to walk through Angkor Thom, explore the temples, and examine the intricately carved terraces. I'll let my photographs speak for themselves.
Below: The Bayan "temple-mountain"

Below: The Terrace of the Elephant

Below: Ta Prohm, a temple left to the jungle.



Madurai paiyan said...
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Madurai citizen said...

All these photos induced me to visit this temple!